Old World  


Unbelievable Speed 2023


Unbelievable Speed 2023

Unbelievable Speed 2023

@Old World
18-Jun-2022 05 am

The Yazd province of Iran houses one of the only nine "Atash Behram" or 'Victorious Fire" of the World, which is the possible highest grade fire in Zoroastrian religion and has existed in Iran since 470 AD. The other eight Atash Behrams are now located in India. This worship of “Fire” is a continuation of an ancient practice of keeping hearth-fire during winter season by nomadic Steppe population of Central Asia and venerating the same. The Fire Temple of Yazd is located inside the desert province of Yazda in Iran, east of Shiraz. In this desert province Zoroastrians have practiced their religion since about 400 BC. The temple was first constructed during the reign of Sassanian Empire. The consecration of this “Fire” is believed to have come from sixteen different sources including that from lightning-bolt according to Zoroastrain religion. The fire temple is constructed in Achaemenid structure fashion in brick masonry in layout designed by architects from Bombay. It is comparable in layout to the Atash Behram temples in India. The Holy Fire is currently in a large bronze furnace and he eternal Fire is now available for visitors to view, separated by glass wall. (Info + Image Credit: Fire_Temple_of_Yazd, Wikipedia) (Image License, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic) [Image 1. Zoroastrian Eternal Flame at the Fire Temple in Yazd, Central Iran 2. Yazd Atash Behram]


  Old World