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@Heritage Architecture
22-Apr-2024 05 am

Located in the historic Roman town of Pompeii, southern Italy, the Temple of Apollo, also called the Sanctuary of Apollo, is a temple devoted to the Greek and Roman God Apollo that was constructed in 120 BCE. The sanctuary was a public venue devoted to Greco-Roman religion and culture that was inspired by Roman immigrants. It is the most significant religious structure in the town and is situated in the forum, overlooking the northern side of the town. It was one of the two oldest temples constructed in Pompeii; the other was the Hercules and Minerva Temple, which stood close to the venue. Adopted from Greece, the cult of Apollo was popular throughout Campania and has been documented at Pompeii since the sixth century BCE, based on discoveries near the temple. The sanctuary was rebuilt in the second century BC, and additional work was done to fix the harm caused by the 62 earthquake, which caused much of the temple to fall apart, as well as any repairs that had not been finished at the time of the eventual eruption. These renovations are what gave the sanctuary its current form. The temple was encircled on all four sides by a broad row of Nocera tuff columns, which were initially grooved and had Ionic capitals. These columns were progressively being supplanted with stucco columns and Corinthian capitals that were painted in shades of yellow, red, and dark blue. The temple was situated in the middle of a holy enclosure. The temple itself was a peripteros with 48 Ionic columns, rising on a lofty podium and approached via a commanding flight of stairs that combined elements of Italic and Greek architecture. The cella is positioned unusually far back in relation to the peristyle. A white marble altar with a travertine base and a Latin inscription listing the names of the quattuorviri who dedicated it is still visible in front of the steps. An Ionic column on the side of the steps held a sundial and an inscription on a plaque provided by two magistrates who are also known to have given a seat and another plaque at the Triangular Forum. #History #Architecture

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