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@Heritage Architecture
21-Apr-2024 02 am

Situated close to the remnants of Hadrians Wall in the city of Carlisle, Carlisle Castle is a stone keep medieval castle. The castle, which dates back over 930 years and was first constructed in 1092 under William II and reconstructed in stone under Henry I in 1122, has played host to numerous significant events in British history. A significant role was played by this castle in the English-Scottish wars. It has served as the epicenter of numerous invasions and conflicts. In 1745–1746, during the Jacobite Rising, Carlisle was the final English castle to be besieged. On August 7, 1996, the castle was placed on the Scheduled Ancient Monument list. The original construction of Carlisle Castle took place under William II, the son of William the Conqueror, who ruled England. Cumberland was still seen as a region of Scotland at the time. On the location of the ancient Roman fort of Luguvalium, which dendrochronology dates to 72 AD, William II ordered the erection of a Norman-style Motte and Bailey castle at Carlisle. Castle work started in 1092. Henry I of England gave the order to build a stone fortress with towers on the location in 1122. As a result, the city walls and keep were built. The current keep is from approximately 1122–1135. There are just 104 known examples of tower keep castles, the most of which are located near the Welsh border. In the process of expulsion of the Scotts from Cumberland, numerous attempts were made to reclaim the territory. As a result, during the following 700 years, Carlisle and its castle would pass through various hands numerous times. Carlisle Castle served as the crucial stronghold of the Western March, a buffer region designed to guard the western section of the Anglo-Scottish border, from the middle of the 13th century until the Union of the Crowns of England and Scotland in 1603. The castle was considerably neglected after 1746, though some small repairs, like the restoration of the drawbridge in 1783, were made. In the nineteenth century, several portions of the castle were then destroyed and used as raw materials to build what is essentially what visitors see today. In August 1996, Carlisle Castle was placed on the register by Historic England. Using photogrammetric tools to document discoveries, Historic England conducted the first formal research into the medieval graffiti and carvings spread across the castle site in 2016. #History #Architecture #Castles

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