Monuments and Architecture  


Unbelievable Speed 2023


Unbelievable Speed 2023

Unbelievable Speed 2023

@Monuments and Architecture
12-Jan-2023 02 am

A destroyed medieval castle known as Ogrodzieniec Castle can be found in Podzamcze, close to Ogrodzieniec, in the Polish Jura area of south-central Poland. In its storied record, the castle, which dates to the fourteenth century, has undergone numerous reconstructions. It is located atop Castle Mountain, the tallest hill in the Kraków-Czstochowa Upland at about 515.5 metres. The remains are accessible to tourists and are located along the Trail of the Eagles-Nests, a hiking route that links several well-known castles in the area. The Mountainous fortifications of the Ogrodzieniec Castle have been there since the early twelfth century, during the rule of Boleslaus III Wrymouth. The first fortification on the summit of the hill was constructed during his tenure. At the time of Mongol Invasion of Europe in 1241 A.D. , the rampart and foundation of the original keep, which were primarily composed of wood and dirt, was completely destroyed. The Wlodek Sulima family moved into this new gothic fortress in the middle of the fourteenth century. The castle blended in well with the landscape because it was surrounded by three large boulders. A small space between two of the boulders acted as a gateway, and the protective walls were constructed to complete the loop created by the rocks. Ibram and Piotr Salomon, two well-to-do citizens of Cracovia, purchased the castle and surrounding grounds in 1470 A.D. Between 1530 and 1545 A.D., Seweryn Boner built a Renaissance castle to replace the older fortress. Remnants of the Renaissance lily frescoes can still be seen on the ground floor. Folklore in the area claims that the Ogrodzieniec Castle is plagued by the spectre known as the — Black Dog of Ogrodzieniec, who is sometimes seen at night wandering the ruins while dragging a hefty chain. [Information-Credit : Ogrodzieniec_Castle , Wikipedia ; Wikipedia-Link : ] [Image: Ogrodzieniec Castle ; Image-Credit : Dominika Roseclay , Pexels; Image-Source-Link : (Please Relate to Source Image-URL for More Image Usage Property and License)]  #Architecture