Iranian Civilization  


Unbelievable Speed 2023


Unbelievable Speed 2023

Unbelievable Speed 2023

@Iranian Civilization
11-May-2022 12 am

The ancient Persian government was based on an efficient bureaucracy that combined centralization of power with decentralization of executive branch. The Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BC), founded by King Cyrus (c. 550-530 BC), is sometimes claimed to have invented this form of government. Following the Achaemenid model, the region's successive empires the Parthians and the Sassanid dynasty kept on practicing the same, with few changes being made. The government was with the emperor at the top, administrative officials and advisors directly below it, and secretaries below it. The empire was divided into states (Satrapies) controlled by the Persian Governors (Satrap, Sanskrit : Kshatrap), who was in charge of civil affairs only. The Satrap's military issues were dealt directly by the general. This system prevented Satrap from revolting due to lack of access to the army, and discouraged it through military leaders because there was no private means to drive the army into rebellion. (Info + Image Credit: Persian_Government ,  worldhistory .org) [image-Left : Statue of Kosrau I in Tehran courthouse   Image-Right : Cyrus the Great ]